[Freemarker-devel] sf.net mailing lists retire, please re-subscribe
Daniel Dekany
2015-09-05 11:10:49 UTC
Dear mailing subscribers,

All FreeMarker activities are gradually moving over to the Apache
Incubator, thus all sourceforge.net mailing lists are being retired.
Both freemarker-devel and freemarker-user are replaced by
***@freemarker.incubator.apache.org. To subscribe, write an empty mail
to dev-***@freemarker.incubator.apache.org.

Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience!

To receive notifications about commits (and later about Jira issues),
write an empty e-mail to

P.S.: FreeMarker is an "incubating" Apache project, which means that
it will either succeed of fail to become a real Apache project
depending on if it can grow an *active* community. So if you want to
help, see http://freemarker.org/contribute.html!
Best regards,
Daniel Dekany
