[Freemarker-devel] Inclusion on Powered By Page
Pratt, Michael
2015-11-30 17:10:23 UTC
Hi all,

I wanted to send a blurb about my organization and how we have been using Freemarker for inclusion on your Powered By page. I’m a Java developer at homeadvisor.com, and in the past year or so we’ve started migrating from a monolithic architecture of a few heavy web applications, to a larger collection of lightweight microservices built on Spring Boot + Freemarker. We have a lot of older JSPs that don’t play nicely in embedded tomcat, so we’ve been moving them to Freemarker templates.

Michael Pratt


HomeAdvisor is a marketplace that connects home owners with prescreened service professionals. As we move from a monolithic architecture to microservices, Freemarker has become our template engine of choice for replacing legacy JSPs. Some of our most critical applications, including service monitoring, are now built using Freemarker.