Daniel Dekany
2015-05-30 10:21:28 UTC
We are (or mostly, I'm) trying to move FreeMarker over to the Apache
Software Foundation. So far the reaction is mostly positive on
Apache's side, but, the major concern is the low number of active
contributors. If everything goes well, there will be a voting about
letting FreeMarker in into the Apache *Incubator*, where it will have
to build up some kind of community or else it will fail. OTOH the main
reason I want FM to be an Apache project is exactly to improve chances
of finding contributors, especially long term ones like myself.
Obviously, one man (me) is not very safe for the users (like what if
something happens with me, or I just move on).
So, I just wonder if I can expect anyone to join the incubation when
and if it will be started. There's lot of interesting but difficult
tasks to do. Like better automatic escaping, a new parser that's more
IDE friendly and faster and has better error messages, proper support
of Map-s with non-string keys, better null handling, advanced
white-space removal, better caching, better i18n, supporting custom
"dialects" (i.e., changing the set of built-ins and built-in
directives), public template introspection API, better debugging,
Android support, and many more. It was just a glimpse. There's a lot
of space for advancement.
Software Foundation. So far the reaction is mostly positive on
Apache's side, but, the major concern is the low number of active
contributors. If everything goes well, there will be a voting about
letting FreeMarker in into the Apache *Incubator*, where it will have
to build up some kind of community or else it will fail. OTOH the main
reason I want FM to be an Apache project is exactly to improve chances
of finding contributors, especially long term ones like myself.
Obviously, one man (me) is not very safe for the users (like what if
something happens with me, or I just move on).
So, I just wonder if I can expect anyone to join the incubation when
and if it will be started. There's lot of interesting but difficult
tasks to do. Like better automatic escaping, a new parser that's more
IDE friendly and faster and has better error messages, proper support
of Map-s with non-string keys, better null handling, advanced
white-space removal, better caching, better i18n, supporting custom
"dialects" (i.e., changing the set of built-ins and built-in
directives), public template introspection API, better debugging,
Android support, and many more. It was just a glimpse. There's a lot
of space for advancement.
Best regards,
Daniel Dekany
Best regards,
Daniel Dekany